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Script VO du Webisode N°5

DOCTOR 1: Madness, there's no other word for it. And it will be your undoing

DOCTOR 2: You must understand Gregory the Board has been patient with you but their generosity has limits

GREGORY: As does their imagination. Can you not fathom the secrets we are on the verge of unlocking?

DOCTOR 1: By accepting your hysterical and outlandish case studies as fact? You presume too much Gregory. I believe we're done here

DOCTOR 2: Try to see the larger implications Gregory

GREGORY: I am, Sir. The question is, are you?

DOCTOR 2: You're a talented doctor Gregory, it would be a tragedy if you lost your licence to practice. Miss Magnus

GREGORY: I'm sorry you had to hear that

YOUNG HELEN: I don't understand. Why are they always so angry at you?

GREGORY: They're not angry sweetheart. They're afraid.


GREGORY: Oh, of being wrong mainly. Just put it out of your mind

YOUNG HELEN: How can you say that? They mean to end your career!

GREGORY: Helen, let it go

YOUNG HELEN: Please father! What have you done to make them so afraid of you? Tell me.

GREGORY: I can't

WILL: I said are you sure this is it?

HELEN: Keep your voice down! We're trying to remain undetected, that does require a modicum of silence

WILL: Modicum, right. Why are we hiding? We're on an island in the middle of nowhere and it's a crypt not the Pentagon.

HELEN: A crypt potentially containing an elixir capable of prolonging life for centuries. Such secrets are rarely left unguarded.

WILL: Yeah, but why can't we just...

HELEN: Look! Keepers of the Dead best be avoided if at all possible

WILL: Right

ASHLEY: I'm going in

HELEN: Stop! Go around

ASHLEY: I'm going in

HELEN: I'm cutting off your allowance

WILL: OK I got "I'm going in" and "go around". What was that wiggly one that you did?

HELEN: "I'm cutting off your allowance". Let's go. Take the other side, draw them away if you can

WILL: You're kidding, right?

HELEN Go! Quickly! Before they... Ashley! Get down!

ASHLEY: I know this was not on the brochure!

HELEN: This is why we don't work with Ernest. His intel is hopeless! Ashley! Go to the crypt! Go!


HELEN:I'm going in. Doctor!

WILL: This might be my first crypt but aren't they supposed to hold dead people? Yes, yes, I realise he's left me five messages that's why I'm returning his call. OK, OK when do you expect him back in the office? No, no, no, no, no don't page him, I'll uh I'll call him back then. OK thank you. Hey


WILL: So, it was some mission huh?

ASHLEY: Ghouls. Crypt. Standard fare.

WILL: Ah, new guy. Still not sleeping. No such thing as standard fare


WILL: So I was just wondering, how you doing since?

ASHLEY: Since I learned my Dad was a time travelling nut job?

WILL: I was going to say troubled soul but...

ASHLEY: Peachy. Thanks for asking

WILL: Hey, you know that's some pretty serious information to be carrying around. If you ever want to just, you know sit down and talk and kind of let it out, I'm here.

ASHLEY: Here's some advice about me. I'm not big on sharing so just stick to helping the freaks, that's why you're here. Ciao.

WILL: See ya. Three not so dead women found in coffins. Just another day at the office

HELEN: All three are comatose. Fortunately brain functions and vital organs seem to be intact.

WILL: So they're normal?

HELEN: Near as I can tell. The scans aren't detecting any physical anomalies but they can only tell us so much. I'm administering a time release stimulant that should bring them back to consciousness slowly with as little physical trauma as possible

WILL: How about emotional trauma?

HELEN: That's more your department I should think. Until they awaken we have to rely on more traditional forensic methods. Now, this fellow

WILL: Fond memories

HELEN: These creature detected our presence early and possessed unnatural speed and strength

WILL: Definitely not normal

HELEN: Not as you would define it, no. I was about to gather some fluid samples, care to assist?

WILL: Ah, I'd love to but I'd better get back to my office and get the whole head shrinking operation up and running

HELEN: If you wish

ASHLEY: For crying out loud. Henry! Steve, get off.

STEVE: You Ok Ash?

ASHLEY: You need a mint. Henry!

HENRY: I know, I know. I know I know

ASHLEY: It didn't work

HENRY: Which is why we have dry runs

ASHLEY: I could have died

HENRY: What, from him? C'mon he's a puppy dog. May I? Full charge, minimum level. OK. There you go. It's a calibration issue these long range acoustic devices get a bit wonky when you jostle them, so...

ASHLEY: Henry, I do a lot of jostling when I work

HENRY: Well just choose a different a different weapon. I got a case of new tech 9's in the truck, they've still got that new smell and everything

STEVE: That was minimum?

ASHLEY: I want my usual gear ready for Friday, including the LRADs calibrated to handle jostling

HENRY: OK, well the regular stuff's no problem but the sonics, you're dreaming. Well besides these are only good if you're going after... No, no, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute! You're not thinking of trying to kill what I think you're thinking to try to kill?

ASHLEY: Just make it happen Henry

HENRY: Ash that is a completely unsanctioned

ASHLEY: Friday

HENRY: I'm gonna tell your mother!

STEVE: Suck up


WILL: No, no I'm not avoiding the question sir, I just... You know I think I need some time to travel and meet some new people and you know see things I've never seen before. Ah yes sir, yes. So if you could just process... Thank you, thank you and... So much for the letter of recommendation

BIGFOOT: You are needed in the infirmary

WILL: OK, new rule. Don't do that Hi. It's nice to see you're finally awake. I'm Dr Zimmerman, Will. Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Can you understand anything I'm saying? Hey, It's OK, it's OK, you're OK. You're in a safe place. OK, OK Alright, you are OK. You're in a safe place, just relax

DANU: I'm Danu

WILL: So you can talk

DANU: My sisters, Tatha and Caird are they...

WILL: They're fine, your sisters are fine. You just woke up first. You're in a medical facility, we brought you here after we found you in a dark place. Do you have any idea how you ended up there?

DANU: Creatures, they came to our village. They weren't human

WILL: Yeah, sounds familiar

DANU: They took us with them and then I woke up here

WILL: Your village, is there anyone there, your friends or family that we could contact, let them know you're alright?

DANU: I'm sorry, I just... I can't remember

WILL: That's OK just take your time

DANU: This place is like nothing I've ever seen before. There's light but I see no candles. There's warmth but there's no fire, no sunlight

WILL: Danu before you and your sisters were taken, how much do you remember?

DANU: I'm not certain, I... last mass we were mourning the loss of our priest to the miasmas.

WILL: The miasmas?

DANU: It is a sickness that has cursed many villages surrounding us in recent months and there is no cure

WILL: So you remember the miasmas, anything else?

DANU: Why can't I remember?

WILL: Just give it time

HELEN: I understand you've quite the weekend planned

ASHLEY: Thank you Henry

HELEN: He called out of concern for your well being, something you seem determined to sacrifice

ASHLEY: You mean I'm going to get myself killed? God, why can't you talk like a normal person?

HELEN: Ashley I realise there are things that need to be discussed between us

ASHLEY: Sure Mom let's bake treats and bond and do each other's hair, right after I'll kill a bunch of ghouls for sport

HELEN: Those creatures are on the contraband list for a reason. There are specific rules governing their capture

ASHLEY: Oh a lot of things changed since good ole Dad showed up

HELEN: It changes nothing. I had no reason to...

ASHLEY: When he had me prisoner... Mom, I froze on that island. OK I hesitated, do you realise how major a problem that is? For both of us!

HELEN: And you think that by going off on some insane hunt that suddenly you will overcome your fears

ASHLEY: If I can't do that I'm not worth a damn to anybody am I?

HELEN: Please don't do this! These creatures exhibit a terrifying capacity for violence and future encounters with them must be undertaken with extreme caution. Physiology appears human in base form though significant anomalies to the face and torso indicate the possibility of mutation at a base genetic level

WILL: Oh, OK, you need to uh you need to put a sock on the door or something before you do that

HELEN: He's breathtaking isn't he?

WILL: Yeah, that's one way of putting it

HELEN: How are our guests doing?

WILL: Confused, at least the one that is awake is. She mentioned a disease that was killing people in her village called the miasmas which translates from the Greek meaning poisoned air.

HELEN: Plague actually

WILL: The bubonic plague specifically. However the last reported serious outbreak was in Scotland in 880.

HELEN: Meaning?

WILL: She's crazy

HELEN: That your professional opinion?

WILL: Look I know there's a lot of things that are outside the realm of our knowledge blah, blah, blah but logically if she were from 880 she wouldn't speak English the way that we do. I'm guessing that linguistics and grammar have evolved somewhat since then

HELEN: Some would say de-evolved

WILL: Whatever the point is we wouldn't understand her, which makes her a very sweet, very delusional woman

HELEN: Possibly

WILL: If you have a theory please share it with the class

HELEN: The liquid we found the three of them in bears similar chemical properties to suspended animation formula used by southern voodoo cults.

WILL: Ha ha. The human body cannot survive intact for 1200 years I don't care what kind of magic bath products you use

HELEN: And I agree. So, these women are either far more than they appear or to use your incredibly clever vernacular

WILL: Crazy

HELEN: The question we should be asking. is why the Keepers were so anxious to stop us from getting into that crypt. What is it about these women that they don't want us to know?



Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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